Dearest Mary,
You truly are a gem. What you have helped me to achieve is priceless. I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and over 20 years doing self development courses, seminars, and counseling. I have learned so much and have been able to help many people transform their lives and pursue their dreams doing seminars and counseling with others. There was one catch, I couldn’t do it for myself. I could to a certain degree but it seemed somehow my value and personal esteem was tied up in how much I helped others and the world we lived in. Other people would love and admire me and I would tell myself “see you must be valuable.” It seemed I was always trying to prove to myself my value. This was great because I was helping a lot of people. Then I got involved in a relationship with a man that could not acknowledge my value and it ended with me being a single mother. I gave up my seminar and counseling business and took a supervisor job at a prestigious company and had awards and many people respect me. But I still felt like a failure.
Somehow I kept waiting for my son’s dad to see my value. “My perceived failure” with this relationship kept me feeling unworthy to go back out and help others win at their lives. (Of course I didn't realize I was the one judging myself against my own standard of perfection). What I had lost was ME. With your help I was able to separate from a false identity I had created, and regain my natural position as a viewpoint; the observer, the awareness that I am. I was able to reclaim my power of being in the present moment, dealing with my life and with what was in front of me.
I realized after the work we had done that this sense of unworthiness had been with me for most of my life. I always felt less than people when conversing and had a “persona” of confidence I displayed that was very good. Both the false persona and the feelings of unworthiness are gone. I walk into any environment and feel completely comfortable with my self. You also gave me valuable tools to have the courage to handle whatever comes up so I can continue to grow and expand. Now when interacting with people it is like all that 20 years of knowledge I have been acquiring is right there for me to use. I just never had the confidence to use it in any circumstance.
I know this is just the beginning of what is going to happen in my life because I have a whole new level of self-esteem, confidence and self respect. I thank you whole heartedly,
I have had a new realization. I hadn't put my finger on it until now. I thought I had simply started living my life with a greater degree of ease but what I realized is that I AM HAVING FUN playing the game of my life! What a concept! I never would have believed it could happen, before starting the Integrity program. V.R.
Just finished the Ethics & Integrity Program and what a surprise package that is!! This gave back to me the clarity and awareness of self I had so longed to re-discover but hadn't realized it was missing. What a surprise! M.R.
“I want to acknowledge you for the wonderful thing you have done that has changed my entire existence. I had been stalled for quite some time and I now clearly understand why: it was an ethics matter.” ~ R.M.
“I’m back to my power of choice! Boy it’s nice to be me and make my own choices.” ~ J.K.
Well, I did need it. And it's not anything at all that you think of when you hear the word ‘ethics’,
This project isn't about things you did that were bad or good or smart or stupid.
Mary, thank you very much. Not for making me love you. But for making me love me. ~ Z.C.
“My whole life changed. My relationship to people, the way I look, my whole being has straightened out. You have put me on the cause side of my life.” - J.M.
“What can I say about this beyond WONDERFUL!” - K.K.
“I came in feeling like a lazy bum, not feeling very responsible for life, wanting to play the game of life but unable to play…bored…and not having fun. After an intensive (of the Ethics Program) this all changed 180 degrees in the other direction…and….I have taken control over my life. I have set goals and am on my way to achieving them with ease. I am feeling great about myself….I am certain that I can handle any obstacles quickly and easily…AND OF COURSE, I AM HAVING FUN PLAYING MY GAME!!” - N.R.
“This has really brought up my awareness and I am more tuned in to what is going on around me, since I’m more tuned in to myself. It was just the right shot in the arm at the right time. Things are moving at an incredible pace. - M.A.
“Mary, you have made me into the person I have always wanted to be.” - R.D.
“I want to acknowledge you for the wonderful thing you have done that has changed my entire existence. I had been stalled for quite some time and I now clearly understand why: it was an ethics matter.” - R.M.
“I’m back to my power of choice! Boy it’s nice to be me and make my own choices.” - J.K.
Well, I did need it. And it's not anything at all that you think of when you hear the word ‘ethics’,
This project isn't about things you did that were bad or good or smart or stupid.
Mary, thank you very much. Not for making me love you. But for making me love me. - Z.C.
Just finished Mary Freeman's Integrity Program. It is hard to find words to describe this program. I was under the impression that I did not need an ethics action since I am as ethical as I know how to be. I realized that Ethics is about VIEWPOINT, not justice, or any other thing like right or wrong. I am forever grateful to you Mary. ~ T.D.
I began the Ethics Program with Mary in May 2022. I had been depressed and generally in low tone for many years and the belief that I would ever feel normal was elusive. We began the program with the definitions of words we would be using. Some were easy but I was surprised to find out that many had multiple meanings and defined in a way I never knew. Some words which turned out to be eye opening for me were, valence, ethics, responsibility, introversion and confront. The more understanding of these words I got, the more my eyes were opened up to the understanding of life.
This then led me to the conditions and more specifically, the ethics and patterns of my own life. The emphasis of the program was on the first dynamic, the self. It became apparent that all the anger and resentments I held were acts of violence to myself as well as to others. I was the cause of it all. We searched for the enemy within myself. How did I justify such behavior? It turned out I believed that I was the ultimate authority over others. We spent a lot of time looking and getting an understanding of how this enemy operated. It was a survival mechanism that I picked up to feel powerful instead of powerless. I soon began to see the damage this was causing me on the inside and in my relationships. I did not want to go through life operating like that. The ethics had to change. I had to fire the enemy. I now knew that I was in charge and at cause in my life for the first time in a long time. That in itself was empowering.
We continued to work on the lower conditions and noticed, that even there, I was causing my own pain. Then something happened that changed me even further. I saw clearly and perhaps for the first time who I really was. I am a lover. My authentic being came through as I worked through the conditions, and then I knew and felt that I was human. From that place, I ventured out of hiding and noticed that I was finding comfort when presenting more of my authentic self to the world. I was finding freedom.
I also found the value in viewpoint. That is what differentiates us from each other and also necessary for teamwork at the same time. Awareness of one’s viewpoint is essential for a congruent life and becoming awake to it. I find myself on a path of re-learning and integrating mine.
The program asked for me getting in touch with good friends from the past that had fallen off the radar for one reason or another. I initiated communication with several who were thrilled and it brought back higher levels of ARC. My energy improved. I have been working out at the gym or at home almost daily. My passion for learning horsemanship increased and my enthusiasm for all things has jumped to levels I have not experienced in a long time.
Thank you, Mary. I am so grateful for your help in steering me toward my authentic self. I know that I am cause and source of my life. - Ian
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